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Data Privacy Community

The „Data Privacy Community“ Association supports experts and organizations in the professional implementation and promotion of knowledge about data privacy.


«No digitization without data protection.»

Jérôme Egli

President Data Privacy Community


Become a member!

Become part of the Data Privacy Community Association and exchange information in the network!

Main topics of the community


The networking of all those active in the field of data protection is central.


Regular interaction is intended to ensure a uniform approach to data protection concerns.


All those involved in data protection should be empowered through increased knowledge and interaction.

Continuing education/Furtherance

The personal development of all those working in the field of data protection is to be supported.


Through international connections (Germany / Austria / Liechtenstein) members should be able to benefit from knowledge and experience abroad.


The regular exchange should give security in the daily work whereby aids are to be provided and so simplify the work.


Dana Fidalgo

Esther Atalaya

Board members

Jérôme Egli

Ursula Sury
Vice President

Jan Gehrig
BoD Member

Michel Herzog
BoD Member

Reto Leuenberger
BoD Member

Matthias R. Schönbächler
BoD Member

Monika Stucki
BoD Member

Martin Villiger
BoD Member


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Eine Initiative der HSLU Informatik


Data Privacy Community
c/o Hochschule Luzern – Informatik
Campus Zug-Rotkreuz

Suurstoffi 1
CH-6343 Rotkreuz

Phone: +41 41 228 24 50

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